Fashion: My Perspective

First off, fashion can make you more creative in your everyday life. Of course you’re wondering how fashion could possibly improve someone’s creativity. But if you really think about it, when you are getting dressed in the morning what goes through your mind? No matter what it is it's probably pretty creative and you most likely put some thought into it. No matter if you are trying to look like the most popular kids in your school or if you are trying to look like your favorite celebrity. Now if we we were more creative with everything that we do including the way that we dress it could makes us more creative in school/work. What I have found is that people feel extremely happy when they create something that they like and ends up a success. For example if someone was getting dressed and they decided to wear an outfit that they had never worn before and people complimented them on it they would be happy and self confident. Once people understand that it is okay that your clothes look different from other people's and they start to enjoy looking different and/or having a "signature" style they will become a lot less stressed about how they look and won't feel as much pressure to look like everyone else. Of course it will also really give people a lot of self confidence, which is always a good thing. For all of these reasons fashion can promote creativity in everyday life.

In addition, fashion is important in culture and religions. When I say that fashion is important to culture and religion you may ask how? How is something so superficial as fashion important to any religion or culture? But when you take the time to look, fashion is everywhere in religions and cultures. For example, Muslim women cover their faces with head scarves. That could definitely be classified as a “fashion statement,” because it is taking the way that you dress and using it for a purpose. If people were to dress in clothes from their religion more often it could possibly create stronger faith in religion and less people feeling like it is odd to wear things like that. It would create stronger faiths because if people were to dress according to their religion it would be a daily reminder of their faith. And as you have probably noticed people tend to do what they see others doing. So this could catch on quite easily. It would show kids that it is okay to be different from everyone else. If a bunch of their friends has some sort of religious clothing item and wore it then the kid would most likely think that if it were okay for his friend to be different than it is okay for him to be different as well. It could quite possibly make people more interested in other cultures. 

Last but not least fashion can make you look and feel more professional.If you are wearing something that makes you look more professional to a job interview they are more likely to take you seriously and consider you for the job. If people see you and think that you are professional, well kept, and put together than they are more likely to be nice to you. When someone thinks highly of you than someone who thinks that you’re not that great of a person. You will also feel better about yourself and feel like you are professional; therefore you will do better in your work.

- Shreya Dubey
B.A. Mass Comm.-III


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